A few weeks ago, my mother and a group of her church-lady friends traveled by van from Tampa to West Palm Beach.  It was a fun road trip to see “Low Down Dirty Blues” at the new Florida Stage.

While that would have been enough for some people, my mother specifically asked if her group of 12, including my brother, could add a stop by the Spady Cultural Heritage Museum.

She had been there before, down visiting me, and was given a very personal and happy tour by one of my favorite folks, Brandy Brownlee. My mom, let’s call her “T” because everyone else does, wanted to share some of that Brandy happiness with her friends.

So on a Saturday afternoon, when the museum is normally quiet and they could have been doing something else, the Spady ladies were there to greet the Tampa ladies in full Southern style.

There were hugs and laughs and tours, combined with desserts, hot coffee and cold water. A lovely respite of sweets and history. Museum founder Vera Farrington greeted the group. Her daughter, Charlene Farrington-Jones, was there as well, along with Brandy. I was surprised to see Mrs. Farrington — I shouldn’t have been.

“She loves this,” said Charlene. “This is what she likes to do, show the museum to people who’ve never been here before, especially a group like this.”

After much sharing and eating and sipping, my mom and her friends loaded back into the van and headed to the Turnpike. I waved them off. Now they all loved the Spady. I mean who wouldn’t??

At what other museum can you get a hug, some pie, a few mangoes, and a walk down history all on a quiet Saturday afternoon??